Honorary AIANH Membership

AIANH periodically bestows Honorary Membership to the chapter on persons of esteemed character who are not eligible for membership in the Institute or this Chapter but who have rendered distinguished service to the profession of architecture or to the arts and sciences within the territory of this Chapter.

Call for Nominations:

  • Send nomination letters in PDF format to the AIANH office, bkastel@aianh.org

  • Deadline for nominations is June 1, 2024

2021 Honorary Member

Volfe Voltaire

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

At a virtual ceremony on March 23, the AIANH Board of Directors welcomed the chapter’s newest Honorary AIANH member, Rolfe Voltaire. Now retired, Voltaire was a longtime architecture instructor and mentor to many students at Pinkerton Academy.

He was featured in the summer Awards issue of Forum magazine.

2020 Honorary Member

Dorothy (Digit) Taylor

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

AIA New Hampshire awarded Honorary Membership this year to Dorothy (Digit) Taylor.  Digit has served as executive director of New Hampshire Land and Community Investment Program (LCHIP) since 2010.  LCHIP was founded in 2000 with a mission to preserve buildings, structures, districts, and sites with local, state, or national significance, as well as promote the conservation of land and cultural resources.  They do so by awarding annual grants for both historic resources and natural resources.  

The board of directors bestowed membership to Digit at a Zoom meeting this spring when in-person events were cancelled due to the pandemic.

2019 Honorary Members

Robin LeBlanc, Andi Axman, and Victor D. Azzi

At its 35rd Annual Awards Banquet on March 28 at the Currier Museum of Art, the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANH) named Robin LeBlanc, Andi Axman and Victor Azzi as Honorary Members of the AIA New Hampshire. This award is bestowed on non-architects who have given distinguished service to the profession of architecture or to the arts and sciences related to architecture within the state of New Hampshire.

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Robin LeBlanc served as Executive Director of Plan NH, which began as a committee within AIANH. For the past 10 years, LeBlanc has demonstrated her dedication to the profession of architecture and its practitioners by providing recognition, educational resources, and opportunities to share our talents with communities across the state.

Robin has deftly administered Plan NH’s various programs, including grants, student scholarships and awards, which honor projects that not only perform well for their owners and end users, but enhance the quality of life for a whole community. A tireless champion of quality design, she serves as a facilitator for both Portsmouth Listens and the City of Portsmouth and has recently taken a direct role supporting AIA NH as a member of the Forum editorial board. 

Thanks to her efforts, Robin has brought resources to the state to educate architects and the allied professions on a wide range of topics that benefit businesses, the disabled and the elderly. Most importantly, she has provided countless opportunities for hundreds of architects to engage with planners, developers, lawyers, bankers, landscape architects and citizens to tackle unique and pressing problems.

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Andi Axman is Editor of New Hampshire Home, a magazine launched in January 2007 by Andi and photo editor John Hession to showcase residential design and raise awareness of its importance with the public. At a time when architectural expertise and vision are sometimes dismissed in favor of a “just get it done” approach, Axman’s work has become a crucial reminder of the value architects bring to every task.

Since New Hampshire Home’s founding, Andi has expanded the publication’s reach with an annual Design Competition to highlight Granite State projects by architects, landscape professionals, interior designers and artists from all over the country. She has tirelessly assembled juries of leading designers from outside New Hampshire to choose winners for each year’s submissions.

Andi has always believed that the true power of thoughtful design is giving us a sense of place. She has been a tireless advocate for AIANH, and New Hampshire Home has become an essential vehicle to publicize the work of AIANH within our state. As a result, Axman has had a direct and ongoing impact on the success of our profession and our organization.

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Victor D. Azzi received his B.S. degree from the University of New Hampshire, and earned his Ph.D. from Yale University, focusing on structural engineering with an emphasis on architectural structures. He began his professional career in Connecticut and California.

Returning to New Hampshire in 1965, Victor joined the UNH faculty as a tenured full professor. He was appointed by the governor to the Board of Trustees of the University System, serving as Chairman of the Capital Projects and Property Committee. In that role, Victor advocated for the creation of comprehensive, strategic master plans for the development of campuses in Durham, Keene, Plymouth Concord and Manchester. In addition, Azzi served as a Principal Administrator, Associate Vice President and Campus Planner.

Azzi’s award-winning, architecturally distinguished buildings at UNH/Durham include the Gables Student Apartments, where he leveraged $1.6 million in savings to also renovate Smith Hall, the oldest dormitory on campus. He was instrumental in building the Whittemore Center Arena, Hewitt Hall, Rudman Hall, Pettee Hall, and the rejuvenated Dimond Library, among others. His leadership at the UNH/Manchester campus has been critically important in revitalizing the historic Millyard area.

2018 Honorary Members

Paul Leveille and Rosemary Heard

At its 34th Annual Awards Banquet on January 5 at the Currier Museum of Art, the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANH) named Paul Leveille and Rosemary Heard as Honorary Members of the Chapter. This award is bestowed on non-architects who have given distinguished service to the profession of architecture or to the arts and sciences related to architecture within the state of New Hampshire.

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

As High Performance Building Specialist at Resilient Buildings Group in Concord, NH, Paul Leveille works with interested parties through the design, construction, and operation to optimize energy and environmental performance in buildings, including energy efficiency, pollution prevention, indoor environmental quality, and site protection. He led Jordan’s high-performance buildings program for 7 years and has been instrumental in certifying more than 50 LEED projects. Laveille is the past Director of Facilities for the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, the state’s oldest and largest land conservation organization. Among those facilities he oversaw was the award-winning Conservation Center, a showcase for passive solar design and New England’s first LEED certified building with a Gold rating. Paul has chaired the Environmental Committee of the NH Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the NH Sustainable Energy Association. He has two degrees in engineering and previously worked in the architecture field.

In recognizing Leveille for the Honorary AIANH Award, Stuart White AIA noted, “As consultant, educator and passionate public advocate for a low carbon future, you have been a mentor for many North Country design professionals. Your deep grounding in architecture, engineering and construction has enabled you to bridge the gap between disciplines.  You have gently yet persistently guided countless architects through the LEED labyrinth, all with endless patience and good humor. Your innate sense of thrift honors your Yankee inheritance; by your actions you have redefined the mantra of “walking the talk.”

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Photo by John Hession, Hon. AIANH

Rosemary Heard, President of the Concord Area Trust for Community Housing, (CATCH), also was awarded Honorary membership to AIA New Hampshire.  The award was presented to Ms. Heard by Richard N. Swett FAIA who commented, “…Rosemary’s tireless efforts on behalf of those in our communities who are struggling to achieve home ownership and who have been in the past, and at times continue to be, denied access to living in a well-designed, well-built and well-maintained home are noteworthy and by themselves would be sufficient cause for this honor.”

Heard’s specific achievements that drew that attention of the AIANH board of directors include:

  • Her continuous effort to provide her region and the state with affordable housing.

  • Her utilization of architects and the design professions for the creation of well planned and executed projects.

  • Her leadership skills in bringing the affordable housing community together to work in a better coordinated manner.

  • Her leadership in running CATCH in a way that educates first time home buyers about the process of buying a home.

  • Her leadership in accessing financing to make possible the projects that serve CATCH's clients.

  • Her vision that enables CATCH to combine affordable housing with market rate housing to make possible the financing necessary to fund CATCH's projects while creating communities of healthy, heterogeneous members.

  • Numerous other New Hampshire committees and boards she serves on pertaining to design, construction and management of affordable housing.

While introducing Heard at the Awards Celebration on January 5, Swett also described Heard’s lifetime passion for architecture which began when she was a child growing up in Ireland.  While pursuit of a degree in architecture went unfulfilled, it did not deter Heard from a remarkable career in which the built environment continues to play a central role.

2016 Honorary Members

Richard K. Gsottschneider and William Norton

At its 32nd Annual Awards Banquet on January 22, the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANH) named Richard K. Gsottschneider and William Norton as Honorary Members of the Chapter. This award is bestowed on non-architects who have given distinguished service to the profession of architecture or to the arts and sciences related to architecture within the state of New Hampshire.


Mr. Gsottschneider was recognized as the driving force behind RKG Associates, a planning, economic consulting, and real estate advisory firm founded in 1980 in Durham, NH. Led by Gsottschneider’s emphasis on job creation and expansion of the local tax base, RKG’s efforts are grounded in economics supporting urban development, neighborhood revitalization, city and state housing strategies, urban corridor revitalization, adaptive reuse and military base redevelopment, as well as residential, resort, office/industrial, retail/mixed use development, and campus planning. Gottschneider has been personally responsible for 50 or more highly successful projects in New Hampshire alone, and many more nationally and internationally over the past 35 years.

Of all his projects, he is perhaps most proud of the redevelopment planning for the former Pease Air Force Base in Portsmouth. Lasting almost six years, the work included the initial marketing strategy, land use plan, and financing plan, as well as the acquisition strategy from the Air Force. The project to date has created over 10,000 new jobs and has helped transform the economy in the Seacoast Region.  The success of the project led to RKG’s working on over 60 military base reuse projects throughout the United States. Other adaptive reuse projects have happened in Newmarket, Jaffrey, Portsmouth, Keene, Manchester, Exeter, Nashua, Concord, and Laconia, and other communities throughout the country.

In making the presentation, James Warner FAIA, noted that, “it is very likely (almost certain) that Richard K. Gsottschneider has had a more profound impact on more lives, in more places locally and nationally than any other New Hampshire architect, planner or developer! I cannot think of anyone more deserving of the Honorary AIANH title.”

Mr. Norton was recognized for his outstanding work and dedication to creating a healthy built environment in New Hampshire and promoting the importance of quality design. For over 35 years, as president and principal of Norton Asset Management, Inc. in Manchester, he has offered counsel on everything from contract negotiations to real estate and building options. As a specialist in the management of the construction process from design through occupancy, with extensive experience in energy and facility management and a deep interest in architecture, he is an invaluable asset to the community.

Norton has served on numerous non-profit and zoning boards. In fact, twenty percent of his time goes to non-profits, guiding them through the morass of figuring out their real estate and building options and architect and contractor selections. He was a charter member and past president of Plan NH and helped to launch their pro bono charrette program, participating in over 15 of them. He also helped found the 20/20 Vision for Concord initiative, served on its board for 10 years, and started the Greater Manchester Infrastructure Forum. He has written monthly articles for twenty years in the New Hampshire Business Review and the New England Real Estate Journal, focusing on commercial real estate and the New England economy.

Patrician Sherman FAIA, said, “Bill Norton has a proven commitment to the improvement of our built environment. I cannot think of a more deserving individual for recognition as an Honorary Member of AIA New Hampshire.”

2014 Honorary Members

Jennifer Goodman and Phyllis Stibler ASID

At its 30th Annual Awards Banquet on January 10, 2014 the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANH) named Jennifer Goodman and Phyllis Stibler ASID Honorary Members of the Chapter. This award is bestowed on non-architects who have given distinguished service to the profession of architecture or to the arts and sciences related to architecture within the state of New Hampshire. Ms. Goodman is the Excecutive Director of the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance and Ms. Stibler is president of Stibler Associates.

Photo by John Hession

Photo by John Hession

Jennifer Goodman was recognized for her outstanding work and dedication to the architectural and preservation communities in New Hampshire and for her expertise in preserving New Hampshire's historical legacy as Executive Director of the NH Preservation Alliance. Specific accomplishments include her leadership and efforts to save and revive the Daniel Webster Farm in Hillsboro; the team effort that received the National Honor Award for the Acworth Meetinghouse Restoration in 2011; and leading the collaborative efforts to develop a preservation easement and the Old House and Barn Expo. Through her leadership of the Preservation Alliance since 1998, she has improved preservation assistance for community preservation leaders and homeowners, increased its membership over 200%, and its annual operating budget from about $70,000 to nearly half a million dollars. She has helped organize support for important Legislative actions, including the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) and an expanded downtown preservation tax incentive. Jennifer has also presented and published widely on community-based preservation planning and advocacy techniques that require negotiation and collaboration. She established the Green Guidelines for state and local policy-makers and co-edited Restoring Women’s History through Historic Preservation, which won the Society of Architectural Historians’ preservation award in 2004.

In making the presentation, Christopher Williams AIA, said, “Working on behalf of many communities within the State, Goodman has helped to preserve our historic character through the preservation of historic buildings, landmarks, landscapes, and neighborhoods. On top of all that, Jennifer is modest, clam, and exudes a can-do attitude mixed with a terrific enthusiasm for preservation and collaboration…and she’s fun to work with!”


Phyllis Stibler ASID is president of the largest, longest-lived, and most successful Interior Design practice in New Hampshire. She has exhibited extraordinary design talent over her 30+ year career, working on complex renovations and large-scale new construction for all project types, not only here in New Hampshire but across the country and abroad. She has received multiple awards for her work, for such projects as the UNH campus in Manchester, the Foundation for Seacoast Health Community Campus in Portsmouth, PC Connection, the Manchester Airport Terminal, Nynex/City Hall Plaza, as IDEXX Laboratories in Westbrook, ME, and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. 

Stibler was a founding director and past-president of Plan NH and served on the AIANH Board of Directors for two three-year terms. Throughout her career, Phyllis has given extraordinary service to the community at large, volunteering in various capacities in support of the arts and of service organizations such as the NH Institute of Art, NH Business Committee for the Arts, the Arts Builds Community, the Manchester YMCA, the Girl Scouts Swiftwater Council, the NH Charitable Foundation, the NH Aviation Historical Society, and the Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

In 2006 she received an Outstanding Service Award from AIANH and the Leadership New Hampshire’s Cotton Mather Cleveland Award. The Greater Manchester YMCA presented her with Community Service Awards for facilities work in 2000, 2006, and 2007, and named her volunteer of the year in 1996. Stibler Associates was named New Hampshire Business of the Year in 1994.

Stibler’s dedication to good design and her volunteer efforts to the community, all delivered with enthusiasm and charm, have made her one of the leaders of New Hampshire’s design and construction industry.

Barry Brensinger AIA, who presented the award, said, “It is appropriate that we recognize Phyllis’ personal example and advocacy for the advancement of professional interior design, which has brought direct benefit to our own work as architects and to the built environment in the State of New Hampshire and beyond.”